In 1986 the Regional office for Europe of the World Health Organization started The Healthy Cities project with the aim of strengthening the interest for a positive concept on health in the cities in Europe and to encourage and facilitate direct cooperation between them without any barriers of political boundaries.
The principles of Healthy Cities
The multi-sector approach by which health is not just a matter of the healthcare system but also a matter of all related and developmental systems of society, an active participation of citizens (self aid, mutual aid, an ability to make decisions on health issues), a concern for the environmental health (biological, physical and social environment). Healthy City project is based on the ‘Health for All’ strategy which principles are put into practice by local action at the city level. The Croatian Healthy Cities network which includes cities, municipalities and counties at the national level was formed in 1990 with Dr. Slobodan Lang as the president and Dr. Selma Šogorić as the coordinator. The network’s supportive center is ‘Andrija Štampar’ School of Public Health, Medical School, University of Zagreb.
In 1996 the city of Labin adopted the Decision of joining Croatian Healthy Cities network and in 1997 started with Labin-Healthy City project. Several activities have been defined with the aim of promoting health with the assumption that people by choosing their lifestyles, by using their healthcare services, with views on health issues and their own actions significantly affect their own health.
A wide range of activities and contents for children and youth as well as their parents and teachers has been developed. Special attention is given to contents intended for people with special needs. There are specific programs intended for people of the third age as well as the promotion of activities connected with environment protection and improvement. More than 30 independent programs are realized by about forty leaders and also many programs are realized in cooperation with other organizations. Every year about 500 children participate in workshops.
A great cooperation was achieved between the city departments as well as with institutions and organizations that operate in the city of Labin and beyond.
A climate which supports changes and the search for new ideas and innovative methods as well as a respect of those who implement new approaches and programs has been created. In 2006, based on a longstanding successful cooperation, an Agreement on cooperation between Labin-Healthy City and Sandness-Healthy City (Norway) was signed.
Labin-Healthy City project has received many acknowledgments and awards for a successful longstanding cooperation and for encouraging positive and proactive approaches to the community, its needs, problems and potentials.
Eni Modrušan, Labin-Healthy City project coordinator
Who can participate in the project:
– children and youth
– parents
– leaders and teachers
– people with special needs
– citizens
Would you like to contribute to the project?
Please contact us with your ideas, suggestions, knowledge or any other form of mutually beneficial cooperation at:
Department of Local Government and Administration in Labin
Titov trg 11, 52220 Labin
Telephone: 052/ 866 821
Fax: 052/ 852 269